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DirectXMath 3.08


Originally posted to Chuck Walbourn's Blog on MSDN,

DirectXMath version 3.08 is included in the Windows 10 SDK November 2015 update (10586) that ships with VS 2015 Update 1 with the Windows Tools 1.2 for Windows 10.

This new version includes the following:

  • Added use of ``_mm_sfence`` for Stream methods
  • Fixed bug with non-uniform scaling transforms for BoundingOrientedBox
  • Added asserts for Near/FarZ in XMMatrix* methods
  • Added use of =default for PODs with VS 2013/2015
  • Additional SSE and ARM-NEON optimizations for PackedVector functions

It’s a fairly minor update compared to DirectXMath 3.07, but does have one interesting side-effect worth discussing further. Because of the use of the C++11 =default construct, existing DirectXMath code may generate new previously latent warnings when building with VS 2013 or VS 2015:

warning C4101: 'X': unreferenced local variable

warning C4701: potentially uninitialized local variable 'X' used

The warnings are easy to address, but may surprise developers when they pop up in existing code. Note that the =default construct is not merely syntactic fluff: In some use cases, it can make the compiler generate much better code by understanding the constructor does nothing at all and the type in question is in fact ‘trivial plain-old-data’. This mostly shows up in the cases of inheritance, so it may not be obviously different in simple codegen cases. It does, however, cause these compiler to notice when a variable is not actually used or initialized.


The fix for non-uniform scaling transformations is trivial to apply to older versions of the library:

inline void XM_CALLCONV BoundingOrientedBox::Transform(BoundingOrientedBox& Out, FXMMATRIX M) const
    // Load the box.
    XMVECTOR vCenter = XMLoadFloat3(&Center);
    XMVECTOR vExtents = XMLoadFloat3(&Extents);
    XMVECTOR vOrientation = XMLoadFloat4(&Orientation);


    // Composite the box rotation and the transform rotation.
    nM.r[0] = XMVector3Normalize(M.r[0]);
    nM.r[1] = XMVector3Normalize(M.r[1]);
    nM.r[2] = XMVector3Normalize(M.r[2]);
    nM.r[3] = g_XMIdentityR3;
    XMVECTOR Rotation = XMQuaternionRotationMatrix(nM);
    vOrientation = XMQuaternionMultiply(vOrientation, Rotation);

    // Transform the center.
    vCenter = XMVector3Transform(vCenter, M);

    // Scale the box extents.
    XMVECTOR dX = XMVector3Length(M.r[0]);
    XMVECTOR dY = XMVector3Length(M.r[1]);
    XMVECTOR dZ = XMVector3Length(M.r[2]);

    XMVECTOR VectorScale = XMVectorSelect(dY, dX, g_XMSelect1000); // !!swapped dX and dY
    VectorScale = XMVectorSelect(dZ, VectorScale, g_XMSelect1100); // !!swapped dZ and VectorScale
    vExtents = vExtents * VectorScale;

    // Store the box.
    XMStoreFloat3(&Out.Center, vCenter);
    XMStoreFloat3(&Out.Extents, vExtents);
    XMStoreFloat4(&Out.Orientation, vOrientation);

Xbox One: DirectXMath 3.08 shipped in the Xbox One XDK (July 2015 or later)

GitHub: Note that DirectXMath is now hosted on GitHub.

Related: Known Issues: DirectXMath 3.03, DirectXMath 3.06, DirectXMath 3.09, DirectXMath 3.10, DirectXMath 3.11